
Hungarian House of Photography

Lucien Hervé Calendar 2008 Lucien Hervé Calendar 2008

Pictures: 52
Edited: Csizek Gabriella
Pages: számozatlan
hungarian, english, french
Text: Gilles Mora, Csizek Gabriella
ISBN: 978 963 87620 1 6

Lucien Hervé s’identifiait avec les formes architecturales, alliait les images de l’environnement et les constructions, ce qui surprenaient quelquefois même les architectes. Il saisissait l’ensemble dans les détails. La lumière lui était si familière – il l’avait toujours sur lui dans sa poche comme disait souriant sa femme – et il l’utilisait pour la construction de ses images. Il a toujours eu le courage de suivre son propre chemin, de montrer dans ses images sa sensibilité, son ouverture d’esprit.

Les photographies ici recueillies, connues ou inédites, nous révèlent la cohérence de son œuvre malheureusement achevée récemment.

En regardant ces images d’une semaine à l’autre, elles vont enrichir notre regard et nous faire réfléchir et rêver en montrant des constructions des grands architectes et des monuments du passé et du présent ou des moments simple de la vie.

Gabriella Csizek

In a series of photographic lifework exhibitions, the Mai Manó House is going to present Lucien Hervé. This volume is being published in relation to the exhibition. We hope you will enjoy leafing through it, and by using it every day, you will get closer to the selected photographs.

If we can say that architecture is philosophy, mind and soul transformed into constructed space, we can also say that photography, by revealing its substance, is turning all this into pictures. Therein lies the distinctiveness of Lucien Hervé. Everything, which determined his choices, his quality of life, his rebellious personality, his attitude in creating new rules and searching for the truth, is represented in his works. He is one with them. He doesn’t represent from outside, but feels from inside. For him, there is no inanimate world: in stone, metal, form and space he always seeks and finds life. A house, a church, a street, or man becomes meaningful for him through the direct or indirect presence of life, usually without the presence of a particular person, or many times in figures appearing as shadows.
He was able to breathe together with architectural forms, he saw correlations between the natural environment and constructed spaces or even their forms, which sometimes suprised even the architect himself. He captured the totality manifesting itself in the details by simple, clean means. Light must have been a close friend of his – or, as his wife put it, he simply carried it inside his pocket –, for he used it on an elementary level to shape his compositions, the structure of his pictures. He always had the courage to follow his own path, to show his sensitivity, his openness, his philosophy in pictures.
The known and unknown photographs selected in this volume show the themes of his coherent, unfortunately now closed, but complete lifework.

Seeing his photographs week to week, they can become a part of our lives, our companions in the passing time; besides the practical, everyday use of the calendar, they provide an opportunity for musing and contemplation, and at the same time they acquaint us with the buildings of great architects, monuments of the past bequeathed to the present, or simply moments of everyday life.

Gabriella Csizek


Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662

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