Hungarian House of Photography
Earlier Exhibitions
George Eastman Hall


Pécsi József Grant Annual Exhibition Tamás Dezső, Anna Fabricius, Gergely László, Szilvi Tóth
Opening remarks by István Magi
Open to the public: 20. March - 14. May 2007.
Every weekdays: 14.00 – 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 – 19.00

Pécsi József Scholars Report
Tamás Dezső »»     Anna Fabricius »»     Gergely László »»     Szilvi Tóth »»


Pécsi József Scholars Report

Following the assignment of the State Department of Education and Culture, Hungarian Institute of Education and the Fine Art Lectorate announced Pécsi József Scholarship in 2007 as well. The goal of the scholarship is to help the artistic development of artists capable of creating works of quality, modern in its content as well as in its artistic language.
According to our traditions, Mai Manó House gives an opportunity to the second-year scholars to present their results.


Anna Fabricius’s series, “Hungarian Standard” depict five people organized into geometrical forms, clad in the uniforms of different professions. These photos are dominated by the interference of order, uniform and personality.

Szilvi Tóth’s light installation, titled Energies demonstrates energies controlling people from the inside or the outside with the help of religious and alchemic symbols. Forces that could be expressed by way of angels and demons. These pictures were inspired by philosophy, tales, real dreams and events. The goal of light-installations are to bring our inside struggles to the surface and overcome them, and shed light to the darkest corners of our consciousness, and enlighten the mind to contemplate about the purpose of our existence. The one who starts to walk this road – observing him/herself - can overpower the unconscious forces of darkness inside, to advance toward light, on the stairs leading to harmony and freedom.

Tamás Dezső’s series, titled “Today’s elite” applies the austere composition characteristic of his previous work, rendering the characters of his photos manifestations of certain types, sometimes almost like puppets.

The composite drawings used by Gergely László and Péter Rákosi are not only helpful devices of law-enforcement, but the demonstrators of an interesting philosophical problem. When making such a drawing, our capabilities concerning recognition and analogy are used extensively. A memory retold is the basis for the portrait – which is almost sure not to exist in reality. Then, in turn, this “ideal” image establishes analogies with more then one real faces. These works question not only our perception, but the regularity of reality.

photo: Róbert Kassay







Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662

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