André Kertész Hall

upcoming exhibition
Open to the public: May 11 to June 17 2012
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
Over the course of five years, the RANDOM exhibition series aims to present a cross-section of 21st century contemporary Hungarian photography, its new directions, and explorative ways. Exhibited artists come from two major creative labs; we see works by photographers under age 45 from the Association of Hungarian Photo artists, as well as select young generation artists from the Studio of Young Photographers.
Conceptually the exhibit showcases atypical works by aforementioned photographers that do not fit in or correspond with the artists’ earlier works, neither with regards to their theme, nor style or artistic orientation.
This selection, embracing artistic experiments or beginnings of new periods in photo-creation, explores current directions in Hungarian photography. Due to its core principles, the series invites a different curator every time in order to maintain a fresh approach to each ensuing exhibition.
RANDOM 2012, curated by Károly Kincses photo-museologist, exhibits 23 artists with 144 pieces at Mai Manó House.
The list of artists:
BORSAY Márti, DARAB Zsuzsa, FIALA DE Gábor, GALYASI Géza Attila, HERMANN Gábor, KAULICS Viola, KÁDÁR Levente, KÁROLY Sándor Áron, KOLOZSI Beáta, MÓRÓ Máté, MUCSY Szilvia, PITI Marcell, RAPI Mariann, SÁRKÖZI Péter, SOMOGYI Márk, SPRENC Balázs, SZABÓ BENKE Róbert, Szami, TELEK Balázs, VARGA Tamás, VARGHA Márk Péter, VEDRES Ági, ZSELINSKY Miroslav
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662