George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
The Exhibition EXTENDED to
Ákos Czigány
The Lights of Art
Curator: Gabriella Csizek
Open to the public: April 18 – May 18, 2014
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
Lucien Hervé and Rodolf Hervé prize-winning (2010) creative artist Ákos Czigány has been continuously working on his series The Light of Art, photographing ceiling lighting systems of museums, galleries, and exhibition spaces with an objective simplicity. He takes the dominant yet unnoticeable presence of light; the light that surrounds the works of art in the spaces that give home to them, contributing to their presence, highlighting and modifying their meaning, and playing an important role in the process of their reception.
Here Ákos Czigány looks up like he did from the courtyard’s of Budapest tenements in his award-winning series Skies/Homage á Hiroshi Sugimoto. Then and there he framed the endless sky with the sky-viewing shapes and structures of the buildings.
For the current exhibition, he directs his attention to the above in enclosed spaces, photographing light and space radiated by light sources.
The essential and indispensable presence of light is evident in the arts. Highlighting this fact from amongst universal knowledge and re-thinking it visually also reveal other relationships. It asks the question about the system of relationships between light, space, and the spirit of a place, while it also laments on the space-forming power of light, as well its pervasive power appearing through the quiet rhythm of light fixtures and lamps.
Following the showcase of a selection in Székesfehérvár in 2012, this exhibit is unique in three respects. First, it is supplemented by the story and the text of finding the topic in the form of an art book. Second, it also contains images that were taken in the exhibition space itself and, as such, it studies the relationship between the real space and the image taken of that space. Third, we also selected from the images taken in Japan, putting them on public view for the first time.
Thus, this current exhibition presents the birth of the series, as well as the entire process of its evolution.
Gabriella Csizek, curator of the exhibition
Ákos Czigány
2013– member of Association of Hungarian Photographers
2009– member of Studio of Young Photographers
1990–1995 MA, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
1972 born Budapest, Hungary
2013–2014 grant of National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Visual Arts Department
2013 recognition (finalist), Europäischer Architekturfotografiepreis 2013, Germany
2011 2nd Prize and Special Prize of Leica Gallery Prague, FRAME011 international competition, Brno
2011 Special Prize, Photoport portfolio review, Budapest
2011 Artist in Residence Program, Frankfurt am Main
2010 Lucien Hervé and Rodolf Hervé Prize, Paris
2010 3rd place and Honorable Mention, International Photography Awards
2009–2010 grant of National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Photography Department
2009 special prize, Photoport portfolio review, Budapest
2008, 2009 10th place at HVG Goldenblog contest for http://exponto.spavia.com
2014 “The lights of art,“ Hungarian House of Photography – Mai Manó House, Budapest
2013 “The light of art,“ Rómer Flóris Museum of Art and History, Esterházy Palace, Győr, Hungary
2013 Space and spaces (with Bernard Koest), Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sophianum, Budapest
2012 „Skies“, NOPX | limitededitionpics, Turin, Italy
2012 „Erleuchtung,“ Galerie BRAUBACHfive, Frankfurt am Main
2012 “The light of art,“ King St Stephen Museum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
2012 “The space of inspiration“ (duo show with Julia Nema), Gallery of Benedictine Abbey Tihany, Hungary
2011 “Darwin Online,“ Nessim Gallery, Budapest
2011 “Ciel,“ installation, Studio Eric Lenoir, Charleville-Mézières, France
2011 “Darwin Online,“ NOPX | limitededitionpics, Turin
2011 “Skies,“ Institut Français de Budapest
2010 Lucien Hervé and Rodolf Hervé Prize 2010 (with Alexis Cordesse), École Spéciale d‘Architecture, Paris (with catalog)
2010 “Der Himmel über B.,“ Nessim Gallery, Budapest
2010 “Trio“ (with Anikó Robitz), Nessim Gallery, Budapest
2008 “Rules,“ Jókai Club, Budapest, Hungary
2007 “Blind window,“ Manréza Spiritual and Cultural Center, Dobogókő, Hungary
2007 “Inside: Abandoned buildings of the so-called Eocene Project“ (with Tamas Czigany), Attic Gallery, Pannonhalma, Hungary
2007 “Inside: Abandoned buildings of the so-called Eocene Project“ (with Tamas Czigany), Cultural Center, Bicske, Hungary
2013–14 exhibitions of Europäischer Architekturfotografiepreis 2013 (Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt; KAZimKUBA, Kassel; Galerie des OÖ Kunstvereins, Linz; vhs-photogalerie, Stuttgart; and more)
2013 “Space-relation,“ Art Quarter Budapest
2013 “Hungarian Art Photography in the New Millennium,“ Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest (with catalogue)
2013 Fotojatka 7th international festival of photography, Prague – Brno – Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic
2013 Creative Transgressions, Löffler Béla Museum, Kosice, Slovakia
2013 SetUp Indipendent contemporary art fair, Bologna, Italy (solo booth with NOPX | limitededitionpics, Torino)
2012 The Others Fair, Turin, Italy
2012 Studio of Young Photographers: Progressive inquires, Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét, Hungary (with catalogue)
2012 ARTplacc Contemporary Art Festival 2012, Tihany, Hungary
2012 “Air,“ Claustra de Saint-Merry, Paris
2012 “Traces,“ The Empire Project, Taksim, Istanbul
2012 “3x3," Krisztina Palace, Budapest
2012 Touring exhibition of awarded works of FRAME011 international competition, Leica Gallery Prague; 4AM Gallery of Architecture, Brno, Czech Republic; (upcoming) Month of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia
2011 Group show of Artist in Residence Program, Frankfurt am Main
2011 Eurart Project Pop-Up Show, Roodkapje Rotterdam
2011 “For Japan,“ exhibition of charity photography auction, HotShoe Gallery, London
2011 “Geomix 2.0,“ B55 Contemporary Gallery, Budapest
2011 “ConText,“ L. A. Galerie Lothar Albrecht, Frankfurt am Main
2011 “Vectors,“ Nessim Gallery, Budapest
2010 Contemporary Istanbul
2010 “Space observation,“ Fogasház, Budapest
2010 C. A. R. Contemporary Art Ruhr, Essen
2010 “Three aspects: Contemporary Hungarian Photography,“ Galerie 4, Cheb, Czech Republic
2010 “Absence,“ Nessim Gallery, Budapest
2008 “Before and beyond geometry,“ Godot Gallery, Budapest
2007 Marianne Brandt Contest, Saxon Museum of Industry, Chemnitz, Germany (with catalogue)
2007 Agitatto Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
2007 Photo Biennial Dunaújváros, Hungary (with catalogue)
2006 Intel Duality Competition (finalist), The Palace of Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Contemporary art collection of King St Stephen Museum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
Contemporary art collection of Benedictine Abbey, Pannonhalma, Hungary
Contemporary art collection of Manréza Spiritual and Cultural Center, Dobogókő, Hungary
Various private collections in Europe
Nessim Gallery, Budapest
Galerie Braubachfive, Frankfurt am Main
Nopx, Turin, Italy
2013 Marcell Németh: “Natura non facit saltum (Czigány Ákos Darwin Online sorozatáról)“ (“Natura non facit saltum: On Darwin Online by Akos Czigany“), Fotóművészet 2013/1, 58–65.
2013 Nicola Maggi: “NOPX: lo spirito fluido del contemporaneo“, March 5, 2013, Collezione da Tiffany http://www.collezionedatiffany.com/nopx-lo-spirito-fluido-del-contemporaneo
2012 Kinga Abaffy: “A semmi metamorfózisa: Czigány Ákos Egek című sorozatáról“ (“The metamorphosis of nothingness: On Skies by Akos Czigany“), Pannonhalmi Szemle 2012 XX/3, 65-67.
2012 J. A. Tillmann: “A tekintet felemelése (Czigány Ákos: A művészet fénye című kiállításáról)“, (“Turning the look upwards: On The light of art, exhibition of Ákos Czigány“), Műértő, October 2012
2012 Katarzyna Majak: “Puste zapisane strony“, Kwartalnik Fotografia (Poland), 78-85.
2011 Christoph Schütte: “Raster, Möwen und Kulissen: Jahresausstellung der Gastkünstler im Atelierfrankfurt”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 4. Dezember 2011, Nr. 48
2011 György Cséka: "Nyitott hely – Czigány Ákos: Darwin Online" ("Open space – Darwin Online by Akos Czigany), Fotopost.hu 2011. 11. 14. http://fotopost.hu/textura/nyitott-hely
2011 “The descent of light“: interview by Rita Somosi, HotShoe International #172, June–July 2011, 52–57.
2011 Virág Böröczfy: “Az elmélyülés felvételei: Czigány Ákos képeiről“ (“Profoundness captured: On the images of Ákos Czigány“), Fotóművészet 2011/1. 30–37.
2011 Zsuzsanna Kemenesi: “Egek. Rodolf Hervé kiállítása és a Hervé-díj 2010“ (“Skies: An exhibition of Rodolf Hervé and the Hervé Prize“), Új Művészet 2011/1. 18–19.
2011 Eszter Götz: “Ragyogó vászon“ („Shining canvas“), Kultúra.hu, 2011. január 16. http://kultura.hu/main.php?folderID=948&articleID=309210
2010 Anna Gács: “BBB (Czigány Ákos: B. felett az ég, december 17-ig, Nessim Galéria)“ (“BBB: Ákos Czigány: Der Himmel über B., until 17 Dec, Nessim Gallery“), Élet és Irodalom LIV. 48., 2010. december 3. http://www.es.hu/2010-12-05_bbb http://www.es.hu/gacs_anna;bbb;2010-12-05.html
2010 Edit Barta: “Finisszázs – Ha zár az égbolt – Czigány Ákos fotográfiái“ (“Finissage – When the sky closes – Photographs of Akos Czigany“), Irodalmi Jelen Online http://irodalmijelen.hu/node/7979
2010 Virág Böröczfy: “Adottságból adomány: Interjú az Hervé-díjas Czigány Ákossal“ (“From the given to the gift: Interview with Hervé Prize winner Akos Czigany“), Fotopost.hu http://fotopost.hu/textura/adottsagbol-adomany
2010 Interview, Klubrádió, Mecénás, 2010. okt. 18. 14:30
2010 Eszter Götz: “Privát végtelen“ (“Private infinity“), Kultúra.hu, 2010. május 13. http://kultura.hu/main.php?folderID=948&articleID=300903
2013 Hungarian Art Photography in the New Millennium (2000–2013) (catalog), Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, 2013
2013 Simone Hübener (ed.): Im Brennpunkt. Focus of Attention: architekturbild. European Architectural Photography Prize 2013, architekturbild e.v., Stuttgart
2012 Kata Oltai (ed.): Kontextus: Adalékok – hogyan közelítsünk kortárs vizuális művészethez (Context: Notes on how to approach contemporary visual art), kArton, Budapest, 2012
2012 Balázs Zoltán Tóth (ed.): Progresszív útkeresések: Fiatalok Fotóművészeti Stúdiója 1977–2012 (Progressive inquiries: Studio of Studio of Young Photographers 1977–2012, Hungarian Museum of Photography, 2012)
2012 Nebesa / Skies, ERA21 magazine (Czech Republic), #04 2012, 12–13.
2011 book cover photography on Frederick L. Olsen: The Kiln Book, A&C Black, London – University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2011 (4th ed.)
2010 Akos Czigany – Alexis Cordesse: Prix Lucien Hervé et Rodolf Hervé 2010 (catalogue), Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture de Paris
2010 “The Turn of the Screw: Tarkovsky’s Stalker Under the Water“ (essay in Hungarian), Pannonhalmi Szemle XVIII/4, 83–91.
2010 “The aesthetics of blank pages by Ákos Czigány“ (online feature), Origo.hu, Photography column http://kepek.origo.hu/galleriesdisplay/gdisplay?xml=/0912/Az__r20091225223918/gallery.xml
2009 “Time–time: Tomatsu, Sugimoto, Shibata“ (essay in Hungarian), Pannonhalmi Szemle XVII/4, 83–96.
2009– editor of art photography newsreader at http://netvibes.com/exponto
2007 The poetry of the functional: International Marianne Brandt Contest (catalogue), Kunstverein “VILLA ARTE“ e. V., Chemnitz
2007 Photo Biennial Dunaújváros (catalogue), Fotografus.hu — Modern Művészetért Közalapítvány, Dunaújváros
2007 cover photography on a book by Ghislain Lafont, Milyennek képzeljük el a katolikus egyházat? (Imaginer l’Eglise Catholique), Bencés Kiadó, Pannonhalma
2006– author of art photography blog at http://exponto.spavia.com
2005 “Mourning, photo, living image“ (essay in Hungarian), http://regi.merengo.hu/
2005 mooncruise* magazine, vol. 01, issue 17, http://www.mooncruise.com/
1994–2002 various essays in aesthetics and literary criticism
FILE Magazine, http://www.filemagazine.com/thecollection/archives/akos/index.html
NeoImages.net, http://www.neoimages.net/artistportfolio.aspx?pid=1605
re-title.com, http://www.re-title.com/artists/akos-czigany.asp
2012 “Stranded“, slide-show lecture at Széchenyi István University, Department of Architectural Design, Creative Week, Győr, Hungary
2010 “The house of light: Art photography and architecture“, conference speech before the exhibition opening of „László Elkán returns home: Lucien Hervé 100“, Emlékpont Gallery, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary
2010 Presentation of members of Studio of Young Photographers (with Gábor Hermann and Dániel Halász), Artbázis, Budapest
2008 “Solarium“, Creative Week workshop for architecture students at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2008 “Endless look: The beauty of the photograph“, slide-show lecture at Rómer Club, Győr
2007 “Endless look: Dense photography“, slide-show lecture at architects’ Master School, Budapest
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662
E-mail: maimano@maimano.hu