After her undergraduate studies in Sculpture, Enikő Hangay received an MFA in Photography from
Cranbrook Academy of Art, one of the best American art schools. The majority of the photographs in
her exhibition Quiet Days were taken in Budapest, Brooklyn (NY) and Detroit (MI) between 2000 and
2003. The guiding thread of the photographs are several marginal situations in the existence of the
urban person, from a standpoint that yields to the serenity of reality. The relationship of this
existence to the drift of days is indirect; it is often nostalgic and not devoid of artificial
colorings. She often employs visual noises and secondary pictorial elements, obscuring the main
object, in her works as expressive means, as if the viewer looked on the world through the half
lowered eyelashes of the photographer. As the last phase of her motif- collecting and moment-editing
activity, the photographs on the gallery walls, enlarged to different sizes, offer a glance into the
closed, mysterious, quiet life- formations of the everyday.
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662