Mai Manó Gallery ("Kis Manó")

upcoming exhibition
Visiting the exhibition IS FREE OF CHARGE!
Tamás Páczai
exhibition of the 2010 PhotoPort Grand Prize winner
Opening remarks by: Dezső Szabó, photographer
Curator: Béla Dóka, photographer
Open to the public: 13th May to 26th June 26 2011
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
The most successful contributor of PhotoPort - portfolio consultation,
organized jointly by the Studio of Young Photographers and the Hungarian House
of Photography - Mai Manó House in October 2010, won the opportunity to exhibit
in the Mai Manó Gallery in 2011. The professional jury awarded Tamás Páczai, in
consequence of which bozgor has revealed.
"Every word means what it means (and nothing else) because everybody believes that it means what it means." (Sándor N. Szilágyi)
Is this statement true for our visual world as well? Do we associate meaning to a word based on what we see? Or do the meanings of images make up the picture?
A dog run over. A godfather with a cataract. Ringing frost in Livez, Romania. Dutch alleys and sunbathing swans. Tulips in artificial light.
Tamás Páczai's instant (after)images of his Transylvanian home and his life as a migrant worker in the Netherlands are hanging peacefully on the walls of the "Little Manó."
What do they mean? Perhaps what everybody "believes" they mean.
(Béla Dóka, curator of the exhibition)
I was born in Târgu-Mures (Romania) in 1981. After high school, I graduated
from the Bálint György Journalist School of the Association of Hungarian
Journalists in press photography in 2002. For years I worked as a freelance
photographer for various Hungarian magazines and dailies. At some point I moved
to England and waited tables for two years. I re-discovered the world of press
as a freelance journalist after I returned to Hungary in 2009. I have been
living and working in the Netherlands since the end of 2010.
Exhibitions (selection)
2011 Co-existence (group exhibition), Kossuth Square, Budapest, Hungary
2011 Attention (group exhibition), ArtBázis, Budapest, Hungary
2010 Untitled (group exhibition), Trace Gallery, Camborne, United Kingdom
2009 The Pursuit of Happiness, Noorderlicht International Photofestival (group exhibition), Groningen, the Netherlands
2007 25th Hungarian Press Photo (group exhibition), Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary
2006 Raiffeisen Gallery (solo exhibition), Budapest, Hungary
2005 Dialogue (group exhibition), Palace of Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Publications (selection)
2010 Private - International Review of Photographs, Italy
2010 La Zona Numero 15, Guadalajara, Mexico
2010, France
2009 The Pursuit of Happiness - a photo album, Noorderlicht, Groningen, the Netherlands
2003 Eduardo Rózsa-Flores: "Collection of Piggeries", illustrations for the book, Kapu Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662