Mai Manó Gallery ("Kis Manó")

upcoming exhibition
Visiting the exhibition IS FREE OF CHARGE!
Lajos Kozák: Vintage paper images and reprints
Selection from the ouvre.
A selection from the ouvre is now exhibited at three venues:
· Cultiris Gallery,
· Hungarian House of Photography, and the
· Hungarian Museum of Sports
between August 18 and October 25, 2011.
Curator: Gábor Kasza, Art Directos of the Cultiris Cultural Agency
Károly Kincses, fotomuzeologist, Hungarian House of Photography
Lajos Szabó, historian, Director of the Hungarian Museum of Sports
Open to the public: August 18 to October 2 2011
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
Presenting the ouvre of photographer Lajos Kozák
Lajos Kozák was born in Székesfehérvár, Hungary in 1906. As most
photographers at the time, he also practiced the profession of photography while
having a civic occupation (he was a gym teacher). Well-known and renowned in the
thirties, his modern photos with strong Hungarian influence had fallen into
oblivion by the second half of the twentieth century. Following WWII, Lajos
Kozák primarily shot sports photos and produced a quite significant corpus of
such images. His ouvre was purchased from his widow by the Hungarian Museum of
Sports after his death in 1975. Besides sports-related images, his legacy
included numerous city shots among vintage images that have been processed by
the Cultiris Cultural Photo Agency.
Exhibitions on view at three locations
Modern photographs from the 1930’s on large-size reprints.
Photos can be purchased on site.
August 18 – October 25, 2011
CULTIRIS Gallery / Örkény Bookstore
1137 Budapest, Szent István krt. 26.
Opening hours: weekdays 10am – 7pm, on Saturdays 10am – 2pm. Free entry.
Vintage paper images and reprints. Selection from the ouvre.
August 18 – October 2, 2011
Hungarian House of Photography
1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 20.
Opening hours: weekdays 2pm - 7pm, weekends 11am – 7pm. Free entry.
Vintage sport images and personal documents
August 25 – October 25, 2011
Hungarian Museum of Sports
Sportagóra (besides Papp László Sportarena)
1146 Budapest, Ifjúság u.
Opening hours: every day (except for Friday) 10am – 5pm. Free entry.
Joint events
Budapest Retro Costume Ball – Be exposed to the ’30s!
August 25, 2011 from 9pm
Projection from the photos of Lajos Kozák.
DJ: Péter Zsuffa
Mika Tivadar Mulató
1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 47.
Symposium with projection and press conference
September 1, 2011 6pm
Hungarian House of Photography – Daylight Studio
1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 20.
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662