Mai Manó Gallery ("Kis Manó")

upcoming exhibition
Visiting the exhibition IS FREE OF CHARGE!
The Exhibition EXTENDED to September 15, 2013
Visiting the exhibition is free of charge!
Opening remarks by VIRÁGVÖLGYI István, MTI Head of Photography Dept.
Open to the public: July 12 – September 15, 2013
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
“In Hungary, proud parents can enter their children to pageants that previously have mainly been popular in the USA since 2005. Children compete and match their beauty and special talents in age groups of 3-6, 7-12, and 13-18. Photos in the exhibited series were taken at Hungarian and Bulgarian international pageants in 2010-2012.”
Bea Kallos
Bea Kallos’s photo report is a photographic description of an “indescribable” situation. Children assume adult roles according to the rules of the given situation: wearing make-up and cocktail dresses… They compare their beauty and talent to each other for points, prizes, while the jury decides who performs the best in the competition. Although requirements are set according to grown-up measures, the little girls meet them and may as well be princesses for a while, realizing the dream of their parents, their mothers.
By highlighting the relationship between mother and child, these family portraits drawn through beauty pageants tell a lot about the times we live in, as well as what the idea of beauty means to many people.
The photo series sensitively shows the consequences, as well as the inherent liability of guiding another person, while also touching upon the issue of children’s vulnerability. Bea Kallos does so without being judgmental; she only features the phenomenon and, thus, creates an opportunity for raising questions.
Gabriella Csizek curator
1978, Budapest, Hungary
2009 Bálint György Journalist Academy photojournalist
2007 International People’s Collage (Denmark)
2003 University of Theater and Film Arts unit production manager
since v2010 photojournalist at MTI (Hungarian News Service)
2009 freelance photojournalist Red Dot Photo Agency, photojournalist intern at MTI (Hungarian News Service)
2008 casting director Spot Casting Agency
2007 Teacher’s Assistant International People’s Collage, Denmark
2001-2008 freelance unit production manager
1999-2000 Assistant Director National Theater of Győr
1996-1999 Assistant Director Budapesti Operett Színház
1998-2000 Group Leader in underprivileged children’s camp Józsefváros Cultural Center
Hungarian Press Photo 2012
1st Prize Social documentary - series
3rd Prize Social documentary - individual
Hungarian Press Photo 2011
1st Prize Portrait series
Hungarian Press Photo 2009
1st Prize Arts - individual
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662