Mai Manó Gallery ("Kis Manó")

upcoming exhibition
Visiting the exhibition IS FREE OF CHARGE!
The Exhibition EXTENDED
Grand Prize Winner of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists 2014
Images from Maidan Square
Open to the public: April 4 – May 4, 2014
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
The Hungarian House of Photography – Mai Manó House regularly presents the
work of the photographer awarded with the Grand Prize by the National
Association of Hungarian Journalists at the Hungarian Press Photo Contest. In
cooperation with the Press Photographers Section, the exhibition is realized in
the Mai Manó Gallery annually. In 2014, the jury awarded István Bielik for his
series The Never-ending Hell.
In November 2013, demonstrations began on Maidan, the main square of Kiev,
organized by the Euromaidan opposition group. The protests were prompted by
Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych refusing to sign an association agreement with
the European Union when he received a favorable offer from Russian President
Vladimir Putin.
Demonstrations continued steadily until they escalated to bloody clashes
between protesters and police forces in mid-February, 2014. On February 18,
2014, the conflicts claimed twenty lives; by the morning of February 21, this
number grew to eighty.
The violence attracted international acclaim and three EU foreign ministers
arrived in Kiev to mediate between the opposition leaders of Euromaidan and
Yanukovych. These negotiations resulted in an agreement that was signed in the
afternoon of February 21, Friday.
Representatives of Yanukovych’s Party of Regions began to quit the party,
while he left his presidential estate over night and left for an unknown
location with his bodyguards. The next morning, on February 22, the Parliament
acquitted Yanukovych by a vote of no confidence and then passed a new law
releasing Yulia Tymoshenko from prison.
As a photojournalist, I felt obliged to report the events taking place in the
neighboring country. I, therefore, convinced my superiors and visited Kiev two
times during the unrest to take photographs of the revolution for the periodical
This exhibition is a small selection from the images that were taken during those times.
Bielik István
In the summer of 2007, I joined Népszava (periodical) as an intern from the
photography school of Práter Street. I acquired the tricks of the trade. Since
2008, I worked as a contributor, but since 2010 I am a contracted employee. At
the 32nd Hungarian Press Photo Contest, I was awarded with the Grand Prize
Winner of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists for my series shot
in Syria.
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662