Mai Manó Gallery ("Kis Manó")

upcoming exhibition
Visiting the exhibition IS FREE OF CHARGE!
The Exhibition EXTENDED to August 31, 2014
Archaic images from the Czech Republic today
Photographs by Fedor Gabčan
Open to the public: June 27 – August 31, 2014
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00
On the surface, photography is nothing more than a method of recording
images, for the benefit or joy of others or ourselves, with techniques and
devices that change by the minute. Looking a bit deeper, however, this
definition is, of course, nonsense, since photography is much-much more. Do not
worry, I will avoid getting into expositions, but let me just tell you that a
few years ago, a – so far- completely unknown photographer emerged from the
Czech Republic. One, who, of course, attended the photography track at the
University of Prague. He also worked as a photographer in the printing industry,
as well as a photojournalist; furthermore, he also taught young photographers of
the next generation. Now retired, however, he supports the line of the renowned
Czech photography as a full-time photographer now. He perfectly manages with
often a hundred and fifty year-old photographic processes, so that he, through
his contemporary eyes and with his mind set on the present, he applies these
archaic techniques on his artistic nudes, portraits, and still lifes. And now
let’s take it from here, the bottom line, which makes it even more….
Károly Kincses, curator of the exhibition
Biography of Fedor Gabčan photographer
I was born on July 22, 1940 in a picturesque Slovakian village, Kúty. After the war, my widowed father and I moved to Komárno. He was stationed there as a Provost Marshal. He got re-married and stayed in Kúty for the rest of his life.
I attended primary school in Komárno. Then I continued my studies at the School of Civil Engineering and Surveying in Košice, graduating in 1958.
After earning my high school diploma, I worked at the Geodetic Institute in Bratislava, processing aerial photographs.
After my military service, I was a brigade-worker at the mines by Ostrava for four years. In the meantime I was also studying graphics and ceramics. It helped me find my own way of expression in photography – a profession I dedicated myself to from 1964 on. At first, my photos were limited to showcasing the life of miners as I felt the coziest in that environment. My first exhibition took place in 1966.
In 1966, I was employed at a small print shop and worked in planographic printing and photographic reproduction. I dealt with albumin-based offset foils, which were made light-sensitive with chromium salt.
In the seventies, I worked at the RAPID advertising agency as a contributor. In 1972, I was admitted to the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague. I successfully graduated from here by passing the state exam in 1976 and, after the regime change in 1989, I received my master’s title.
In 1976-78, I worked as a photojournalist for the Czech News Agency (ČTK) in Ostrava. From the nineties through my retirement, I taught at the Secondary School of Visual Arts, in Ostrava, where I founded the photography specialization as well. During these years I was also engaged in capturing Ostrava’s landscape, which was ruined by industrial activity. The most common themes of my photos are portraits and still lifes, but, naturally, nudes also play an important role in my work.
Today I give lectures on traditional photographic processes at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ostrava.
I am also known as the jury member of several prestigious international photo competitions. I currently live in Vratimov, Czech Republic, but I spend most of my time in Komárno. I stay at the same place I spent my childhood years: in a small house with a garden that, back in the day, was purchased by my father and where today I enjoy gardening – fig trees and roses are my favorite.
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662