Daylight Studio

upcoming exhibition
Negative Variete
Photo Installation
Open to the public: 10-25 October 2010
Every weekdays: 14.00 – 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 – 19.00
László Moholy-Nagy (Bácsborsód, 1895 – Chicago, 1946) wrote The dynamics of the city in 1922, after two years
living in Berlin. He started experimenting with the expressiveness and artistic opportunities of the photograms
in the same year. 1920's was an important decade for Moholy, he got acquainted with Walter Gropius and the
Bauhaus school which of he became a very influential figure from 1923.
The concept of the Negative Variete Photo Installation is related to the silhouette play titled the same, and
Monoly-Nagy’s thoughts and publications released in the 1920’s. Regarding to Moholy’s theory foils set behind
each other overrun the boundaries of the two-dimensional photograph. This new arrangement become meaningful,
also understood as motion progress in the spectators’ mind. The inspiration of the play and the photo
installation is the film sketch The dynamics of the city, and the photogram method itself.
The visitor’s silhouette become a part of the screening thanks to the interactive technical solution. Move
with and in the space, be a part of the movie!
Bujnovszky Tamás photographer
Balogh Balázs media designer
Samu Bence interaction designer
Zságer Balázs
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662