Szilvia Mucsy
2000–2005 Athens School of Fine Art, photography workshop, Athens, Greece
1997–2003 Hungarian University of Craft and Design, photograhy department, Budapest
1992–1993 Photography Technical School, Budapest
Solo exhibitions
2007 Forza Italia! Menta Terrace, Budapest, Hungary · Hungarian Grandmothers, Fotocella Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2006 The Silence of Budapest, Millenáris, Budapest
2005 XPOMA – Colour, Millenáris Park, Budapest, Hungary
2004 Photohoros organised by Platon Rivellis, Fotografikos Kiklos, Athens
2002 Fotocella Gallery and Coffee, Budapest
2002 Sea Festival in Rafina, Greece /with Timea Fábry grafic designer/
2001 Sea, Sea, Vista Gallery, Budapest
2000 National Fotoweek, Odeon Caffee Gallery, Budapest
1998 Tölgyfa Gallery, Budapest /with Györgyi Varga photographer/
1995 Rét Gallery, Budapest · F.É.K. Gallery, Felsôgöd /with Zoltán Vancsó photographer/
Selected group exhibitions
2008 Young Hungarian Photographers (FFS), Boulevard&Brezsnyev Gallery, Budapest, Hungary · Still life (FFS), Artbázis, Budapest, Hungary · FotóPorta (FFS), Gödör Klub, Budapest
2007 New Pictures (FFS), Kolta Gallery, Budapest · Festimage, Finalist in the competition, Chaves, Portugal · Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Dunaújváros, Hungary
2006 Photomonth 2006, Triptichon, Csiga Gallery, Jövôháza, Budapest
2004 Diethnis Minas Fotografias Month of Photography, Athens, Greece · Photo 20, Collective Exhibition of the University of Craft and Design, Ponton Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2003 Diploma, Millenáris Park, Budapest, Hungary
2002 Postcards, Collective Exhibition of the University of Craft and Design, T.E.I. Athens, Greece
2001 Hungarian National Photosaloon, Kunsthalle, Budapest
1998 Országos Fotóhét (FFS), Kossuth Klub, Tölgyfa Gallery, Budapest
1997 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Kisgaléria, Pécs, Hungary · FFS Collective Exhibition - Bolt Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
1996 Photographic Biennial, Rondella Gallery, Esztergom, Hungary
1993 Photographic Biennial, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
1990 Young Hungarian Photography after `90, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc, Hungary
Scholarships and awards
2008 “Pécsi József” Photographic Scholarship (Hungary)
2007 National Geographic Photography Contest, III. Prize, Travel and Culture category
2006 National Cultural Fund - Photographic Art Fellowship
2004 „IKY” Greek State Scholarship
2003 „Pécsi József” Photographic Scholarship (Hungary)
2003 Hungarian Scholarship Board – Fellowship to Greece
2001 Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae – Fellowship to Greece
2000 Socrates/Erasmus – Fellowship to Greece
2005–2008 Young Photographers United, Belgium
2003 Association of Hungarian Photoartist
1996 Studio of Young Hungarian Photoartists (FFS), 2007 – Member of the Executives
Works in public collections
2001 Contemporary Photography Collection, National Library, Budapest, Hungary
1990 Miskolc Contemporary Art Gallery, Miskolc, Hungary
2008 Mediterrano, Bohony Publisher, Hungary
Photography issues
2008/3. Foto/Video Magazin Black&White – 12 pages Portfolio and interview, Hungary
2007/12. Foto/Video Magazin (Hungary) – Group Portfolio (Young Hungarian Photographers) /10. National Geographic Hungary
2006 Yearbook Greek Culture 2005 – Athens, Greece · Ferenc Markovics: Lights and Facts – (Folpress Publisher) Budapest, Hungary
2005/11. Shots – English advertising and creativity magazine – London, England · Shots – Year Book – London, England
2005/5-6. Fotóművészet – Hungarian photoart magazine – Budapest, Hungary
2004/5. Fotografos – Greek photo magazine – Athens, Greece /8. Fotografos – Greek photo magazine – Athens, Greece · Photos of the Year 2004 – Catalogue of the Hungarian Press Photo Competition
2003/4. Foto/Video - Hungarian photo magazine – Budapest, Hungary
1996/1-2. Fotóművészet - Hungarian photoart magazine – Budapest, Hungary
1994 Tibor Miltényi: Progressive Photography – (Szellemkép Publisher) Budapest, Hungary
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662
E-mail: maimano@maimano.hu