Hungarian House of Photography
Earlier Exhibitions

George Eastman Hall

Gábor Kasza

Opening remarks by Péter Novák, actor
Curator: Sári Stenczer, independent curator

Open to the public: 21st January to 20th March 2011
Every weekdays: 14.00 – 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 – 19.00


Gábor Kasza's (1977, Komarom) latest series of photographies analyses one of the most exigent questions of our age, namely, the dilemma of sustainable environment. The photographer inspired by the dance and physical theatre has arrived at the staged photography and is one of those artists who frequently change their perspectives, and consequently in their own series the way of looking at the world becomes a subject of enquiry.

Kasza's series reminds us of surrealistic, negative visions, and they work with the entanglement of aesthetics and concept. It urges the confrontation of the absurd and the routine, and tries to throw our perceptual habits off balance. The effect resulting from the encounter and separation of the symbolism of its imagery and the realist aspect of photography is the focal point of the artist's work. The title and form of Y is the symbol of some sort of obligatory standpoint, which is a warning for each and all of us at the same time, since humanity is standing on the inevitable horns of the dilemma posed by Gábor Kasza.

The Y series consists of elegies made with the need for reporting about an existence in which the human ideal and reality do not meet. Beyond drawing our attention to our responsibility and a way of life we can consciously choose, is both a search for identity and a socio-critical (self-)reflection. We find not only the human being continuously transforming the environment, but also their presumed dreams and fears in this photographic spectacle. It is the transformer and the sufferer of its own context, the representative and the represented, the personified symbol of itself.

The current exhibition became possible with the support of the CIB Foundation which organised an exhibition for a group of contemporary photographers in 2008. Based on the votes of visitors Gábor Kasza won the prize sponsored by the organization mentioned above which included an ulterior separate exhibition and a photographic catalogue in order to support the artist's work.

Stenczer Sári

Guest book: |

photo: Reichel Tamás



Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662

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