George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
The Exhibition EXTENDED to 30th December 2011
Zseni Jung
Open to the public: November 30 to December 18 2011
Every weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 - 19.00

”I, myself, am interested in things other than the values prescribed to humanity by this century. Other than anything that can be measured, purchased, or acquired… I am interested in much smaller and finer details of the world. I don’t like world-shaking and grandiose things. I believe that one can be authentic and genuine quietly, too.”
Zseni Jung
”Falling plaster, bare windows, and slumped rooftops could tell more about our joys, fears, hopes, secret sins, and repressed virtues. I rejoice when I see that the flora is reclaiming its rightful place. Vegetation clings onto the cracks in the wall; creeping ivy exuberantly covers the walls, while trees grow high in the place of the altar. Now, it is the greens that tell the legend of the house in their own language.”
Zseni Jung
Zseni Jung
Zseni Jung was born on March 25, 1940 in Berezány, the Ukraine. Her mother was Hungarian, while her father was of German origin from Russia. The father was executed in Stalin’s prison in the Urals. In 1947, she moved to Hungary with her mother and siblings. She attended schools in Budapest, learning the profession of photography. Amongst others, she considers Angelo, Jolán Vadas, and Béla Vassányi her masters. Between 1957 and 1982, she worked as a portrait photographer in the studios of FÉNYSZÖV (Photography Association); later, she was a freelance photo artist. Since 1982, she is the member of the Association of Hungarian Photoartists. Mainly she had solo exhibitions in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Canada, and the United States. She has been honored with various awards.
She teaches master courses and at various artistic camps. Her professional strength lays in nudes, portraits, stills, gastronomy photos, as well as landscape photography. Her unique style is characterized by sepia, hand-colored collages, and other artistic photos prepared by manual technique.
She published four individual albums: A nő égi mása (Woman’s heavenly double), 2003; Ölelés (Embrace), 2004; A négy évszak (Four seasons), 2008; Hajad tengerén (On the sea of your hair), 2010; while she is a co-author to one album, Gyöngyfüzér az anyaságról (Pearl wreath on motherhood), 2002.
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662