George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
The Exhibition EXTENDED to 30th December 2011
József Pécsi Fine Art Photography Grant 2012
Hangay Enikõ ás Váradi Viktor
Curator: Szilvia Nagy
Open to the public: 23 March to 6 May, 2012
Every weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 - 19.00

1999-2001 Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI, MFA: Photography
1994-1998 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, BFA: Photography and Sculpture
2012 Dress Up, Raiffeisen Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2011 Enikő Hangay & Péter Korniss, Spiritusz Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2008 1day1photo (with Judit Katalin Elek & Lei Benben), Liget Gallery/ Kunsthalle, Budapest (HU) | Hidden Garden, Spiritusz Gallery (HU) 2006 Quiet Days, Hungarian Cultural Center, Bratislava (SK)
2003 Quiet Days, Mai Manó Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2011 Art Market Budapest (HU) | The Danube – an open book, Berlaymont, Brussels (B) | Lucid Dream, Várfok Gallery, Budapest (HU) | Dunaújváros Photo Biennial (HU) | Reconstructions – Abracadabra, Contretype, Brussels (B) | Photogenics, Spiritusz Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2010 1day1photo, Lianzhou Foto Festival, China | Budapest Art Fair (HU) | Present Continuous, Photonic Moments, Celje (SLO) | Reality On Cloud 9, Hungarian Culture Center, Brussels (B) | Contemporary Art Ruhr, Essen (D) | Everydays, Miskolci Gallery, Miskolc (HU) | Paradogma, Várfok Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2009 Vilnius Art Fair (LT) | Apprentices of a Smile, Gallery mŁodzi, Łodz (PL)
2008 Present Continuous, Mai Manó House, Budapest (HU)
2007 Kieselbach Gallery, Budapest (HU) | Contemporary Hungarian Photo Biennal, Pécs (HU) | Neighbor – Next Generation by Fotofluss (A) | Mystery, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York
2006 Seaworthy, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York | Present Continous II., Platán Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2005 NE(a)T - women about women, Kogart Gallery, Budapest (HU)
2003 Plastica Dreams – Sculpture after Installation, Kunsthalle, Budapest (HU) | The Affordable Art Fair, New York
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
2011 Újművészet, XXII. no. 10: Reality On Cloud 9 | Reconstructions, Contretypebulletin, no. 123. | Photogenics, published by Spiritusz Gallery | Artfolio 2010, p. 116-119, p. 284
2010 Szellemkép magazine, XX., 2010/2: Ildikó Szilágyi-Nagy: Balance in Color, Photographs by Enikő Hangay
2009 Fotomagazin (D), 07/2009: Das virtuelle Fototagebuch
2008 Fotóművészet, 2008/4: Zsófia Somogyi: Present Continuous | What’s Up?, catalogue published by Kunsthalle, p. 178 | Fotóművészet, 2008/3: Zsófia Somogyi: 1day1photo | Artluk (PL), nr. 2/2008: Anikó Erdősi: 1day1photo.com – PhotoDiary3
2007 Present Time, 2008 Fotomagazin (D), 10/2007: Manfred Zollner: Three Women and a Blog 2006 Szabad Újság (SK), 49/2006, p.11: Tihamér Lacza: Quiet Days (interview) | Új szó (SK) 2006/11/21:Béla Tallósi: Secret Codes in Quiet Days | Present Continous II., catalogue published by Mai Manó House
2005 Balkon Contemporary Art Magazine, 7-8/2005: Tijana Stepanovic: The Female Does Not Exist, Bianca Iványi: The Metamorphoses of Woman
2004 Hangay Enikő: Quiet Days, catalogue published by Mai Manó House
2003 Plastica Dreams – Sculpture After Installation, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662
E-mail: maimano@maimano.hu