Hungarian House of Photography
Earlier Exhibitions
André Kertész Hall


Colored Old Air
NahTe Presents the Photographic Works of János Vető and of Prince Kina on Digital Prints + Original Silver Gelatins 24. May 2003. - 8. July 2003.

Opening Ceremony: 24. May 2003. at 6 p.m.

Vetõ János, the artist, the hermit, the poet, the musician, the alchymist, the surviver, the stalker, the stranger, the key to my Budapest, the husband to the Swedish woman, the father to your sons, the master of spiritual games, the handprint of time, the antenna of generations. You are the seer with your eyes closed, your eyes open at the same time

Vetõ János
You are a multimedia exhibition
In a room full of házeszene
You develop the hatyu halala
And you call it anayagcsere
You place you're your babkosar
In the bambusz and you survive like Moses did in Egypt
You escape like the white biciglista
Persued by the three black bogárak
You are the buddha of the maccomputer
You come from Cairo with four pyramids in your hand
And still you call yourself a donquiote
Your weapons are the ecsetek and elisabeth is your donkey
Your face is your face is your face
Smiling behind the feketefelhözászló
Fine, a fine face, at first sight fogvicsoritva
Honnan? Hova?
Januarexer is your name
Are you a káprázat?
Framed by a kerületi kerites
Ki kezel ?
Or without gloves?
A lepke eats from the apple
like a picture in your moslya album
Just for a pillanat 1 pozitiv
Pillanat 2 negativ
Pillanat 3 pozitiv
Pillanat 4 negativ
Pillanat 5 pozitiv
And the picture is back on the wall again.
You throw your szerencsecsont
And it hits like a szúnyog
Nem, szintetörhetetlen
Ki vagy? Ki vagy? They ask from their triangel, their korrect triangel
I am an ufo.jpg
With windows wide open
To my head with two faces
One for going out
And one for coming back
X face is the name for going out
Face x is the name for coming back

Standing, sitting
All the same
az álom is yours
You call it anyagcsere
With the arny in the aquarium
Ásatas vagy áthallás?
Or is it a baleset?
No it is biki standing smoking
Biki and dani
Biki and hamu
Biki in the middle of the night
A biki tajkep
Biki a bizonytalanjoslat
As part of your bogár gyüjtemény
The cromlap portrait takes a shaking turn
While the csoga gives you a mouthkiss
and the denever steels your picture
But the drótvirág, the elemi lámpa, the elölhatulkockas and the boy in the fénynadrág
All that is your halkan emlek
And your emlekmü is made of this
With the halottaskönyv under the arm
Csak hivásra várod
Himlö vagy horzsolás is no excuse
You play with your friends
You put them in a long shirt or a short ipárivers
Your job is the joker
who stretches all out till it becomes only white, kiterjsztettfeher
egy kitörülhetetlen emlék is left
But the kozjátek continued
In the kulissza of last summer without roxy
When the lazgörbe went really high
And the maradek and the girls were singing
Lesz ebéd, lesz ebéd
So the next megfigyoeloallás
Is magyar oktober, mosoly, munka es szerelem
Partly nyitva, partly csukva
But always with a onnannézve
Your eyes are closed
Your eyes are open
At the same time
P10 and pletyka
Pozitiv and negativ
There you are again behind your sunglasses
Repedés is another word for seeing
Sarkány means dragon
And the skeleton of the fish is the sarkány eredeti, why not.
Your face and the pussy of the woman is a song for europe
You hold the bird and it will fly when Europe is free
In Szabadeurope
You are the tanu
With your tapetatekintet you see and register
In your tenyér you keep the picture of the typuskigyo
That transforms itself to a tyfon carrying
Women´s legs and men´s hands
Az uj-régi, az uj-régi again
Like ülve at the utolso vácsora with vizicsoda on the table
1, 2 and 3
The real csoda
Te vagy

Kirsten Dehlholm
Maj 2003


Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662

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