George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
Molnár Zoltán
Brazil Diary 2008
Opening remarks by Boldizsár, Kõ artist
with the participation of Capoeira Senzala
Curator: Gabriella Csizek
Open to the public: 13th May to 26th June 2011
Every weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 - 19.00

A real traveller does not pass on his experiences and adventures by showing
only the visible individuality of a place, but shares what he has lived through
within himself. A good photographer puts this across in the composition of his
pictures. The real traveller never arrives in a place which can only be
described as a geographic point of intersection, but proceeds meanwhile on his
inner journey. The good photographer’s pictures do not just show the world
around him and introduce us to people, but talks of himself as well. The real
traveller and the real photographer have their secrets. These are first and
foremost concealed in their personality. Both a good photographer and a real
traveller, Zoltán Molnár has the ability to empathize with and respect other
people, a natural sensitivity, a desire to discover and a pure curiosity without
ulterior motive. This is why his pictures appear to have been brought into being
by the laws of nature in his presence. With their gracious simplicity, the
strength of their lack of complex apparatus, the pictures formulate statements
in simple terms both on the people represented and on their world. The Brazil
Diary photographs and texts tell their stories between black and white, in a
colourful and hectic world. They calm the viewer with their tranquillity and
offer the prospect of an inner journey not to be measured in kilometres.
Csizek Gabriella
Selected Solo Exhibition
2009 16th International Book Festival Budapest, Millenáris Jövõ Háza
2008 Instituto Sacatar, Itaparica, Brazil
2008 Art University in Kaposvár, Csokonai Gallery, Hungary
2007 Open Workshop Gallery of Art, Budapest, Hungary
2007 Month of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia
2005 Hungarian House of Photography, Budapest, Hungary
2002 Open Workshop Gallery of Art, Budapest, Hungary
2001 Gallery of Chateau, Marosvásárhely, Romania
2000 Teleki Education Council, Szováta, Romania
1996 Orange Cafe, Colmar, France
1993 Comminity Center, Nagymaros, Hungary
Selected Group Exhibition
2011 'Együtt-lét' Budapest, Hungary,
2008 "100Erdély" Budapest, Hungary
2005 II. Festival Photo Nature & Landscape, La Gacilly, France
2004 Robert Doisneau Photogallery, Centre Culturel Andre Malraux, Nancy, France
2003 Millenáris, Budapest, Hungary
2003 Beszterce, Romania
2003 Udvartér, Vigadó, Kézdivásárhely, Romania
2003 Dokk, Budapest, Hungary
1996 Rét Gallery, Gazdagrét, Budapest
2010 André Kertész Photography Grant, Paris
2008 The Instituto Sacatar of Itaparica, Brazil, Sacatar Fellowship
2004 Hungart, Photography Grant
2004 XXII. Hungarian Journalism Award, Portrait Category, Third Place
2002 XIII. Biannual Exhibition of Photography, Esztergom, Panorama competition, Special price
2002 XX. Hungarian Photo Journalism Award, Documentary Photography Category, Second place
2001 "@rc" Bilboard Competition, AD for Nonprofit Organization Winner
1998-2000 Pécsi József Photography Scholarship
Professional Experience
2007-2010 Photographer, Art University in Kaposvár
2008 Modos de Ver de Photographia, Workshop, Brazil, Salvador
2004-2006 Art Teacher, Fine Art Grammer School, Budapest, Hungary
2001-2002 Art Teacher, Buda Drawing High School, Hungary
Professional Membership
2000 Association of Hungarian Journalist
1995 Young Photographer Association, Budapest, Hungary
2011 Photo Reporter Magazin
2011, 2006, 2003, Folkmagazine
2009 Globe, Hungarian Geographic Magazine
2007 Cigányok, Száraz Miklós György, The Book about Gypsies, Published by Helikon
2006 Flashback, Twentyfive Years of Hungarian Press Photography
2000 Colors Magazine,
2000 Octogon, Architecture and Designe Magazine
1999 Photo Reporter Magazine
1998 Hungarian University of Crafts and Design, Chair of Visual Communication Department of Photo
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662
E-mail: maimano@maimano.hu