George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
The Exhibition EXTENDED to
Ildi Hermann / Judit M. Horváth
NHL / Private Pictures
Curator: Gabriella Csizek artistic collaborator
Open to the public: May 11 – June 17, 2012
Every weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 - 19.00

In contrast to my previous works, this series is very personal. In 2007, two
months after I had given birth to my daughter, doctors found a malignant tumor
in my chest. After the terrible shock, the doctors’ diagnosis was non-Hodgkin
lymphoma (NHL). Without discussing the disease in details, it is important to
note that this cancer is highly treatable; however, of course, the treatment
includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I wanted to trace the journey that, by
today, hopefully have come to an end (doctors declare one cancer-free after
being asymptomatic for five years). I wanted to (re)interpret it through
photography and, as such, make sense out of the senselessness. Hopefully, in
years to come, I will only be reminded to this terrible disease by these photos.
For me, it was a true experiment and a way to process a new life situation
through new methods. The aim was to create a photo-diary with me as the
protagonist. I documented these months in my life without knowing what tomorrow
might bring or what direction the disease might eventually take.
Ildi Hermann
2010 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, MA - photography
2004 Poprad Summer Photoschool, Slovakia
2002 Poprad Summer Photoschool, Slovakia
2000-2002 Contact Photography Courses, Budapest
1998-2002 Eötvös Loránd University, Teachers Training College, Hungarian Grammar and Literature – Culture Organiser, Budapest
1997-1998 South Trafford College, English language course, Manchester, Great-Britain
2011 Main prize of the Photo Biennal Dunaújváros, Hungary
2011 Scholarship of the National Cultural Fund, Budapest
2011 Scholarship of the Budapest Gallery to Helsinki, Finland
2010 Campus PHE Edición de Libros, Madrid, Spain
2010 Descubrimientos PHE10 (portfolio rewiew), Madrid, Spain
2006-2008 József Pécsi Art Photography Scholarship, Budapest
2004 Scholarship of the National Cultural Fund to the Poprad Summer Photoschool, Slovakia
2002 Scholarship of the National Cultural Fund to the Poprad Summer Photoschool, Slovakia
2006 feelance photographer
2005 Prime Minister’s Office, photographer, archiving, Budapest
2004 Árpád Bogdán: Happy new fear!, feature film, still photographer
2004 61. Venice Filmfestival, Hungarian delegation, photographer
2004 Árpád Schilling: Overborder, short film, still photographer
2003 Peter Greenaway: The Tulse Luper’s suitcases, feature film, still photographer
2002-2004 168 Hours (weekly newspaper) – press photographer
2002 Alberto Negrin: Perlasca - Story of a true man, feature film, still photographer
2011 Weekend, Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia
2007 Weekend, Galerija KiBela, Maribor, Slovenia
2007 Weekend, Dorottya Gallery, Budapest
2006 Space, part of the Comeround exhibitions, Retorta Gallery, Budapest
2003 Overborder (short film, Dir.: Árpád Schilling) still photos, Odeon-Lloyd Cinema, Budapest
2002 Reality show, Cirko-Gejzír Cinema, Budapest
2002 Perlasca - Story of a true man (feature film, Dir.: Alberto Negrin), still photos, Uránia National Cinema, Budapest
2002 I dream about reality, Puskin Gallery, Budapest
2012 Duna – opened book, Mai Mano House, Budapest
2011 Group exhibition of photo students from Budapest, Hungarian Institute gallery, Tallin Estonia
2011 Grouptherapy, Hungarian Cultural Institute in Warsaw, Poland
2011 Duna – opened book, Cultural Institute of the Republic of Hungary, Stuttgart, Germany
2011 Photo Biennal Dunaújváros, Hungary
2011 Duna – opened book, Berlaymont, Piazza & President's Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium
2010 Interhuman Relations, Hungarian Exhibition, Lodz Fotofestiwal, Poland
2009 Photo Biennal Dunaújváros, Hungary
2008 Exhibition for the József Pécsi Art Photography Scholarship holders, Mai Manó House Budapest
2007 It depends on your point of you! Metró Gallery, Budapest
2007 Open Programme, Lodz Fotofestiwal, Poland
2007 Photo Biennal Dunaújváros, Hungary
2007 M@narchia Festival, Moscow, Russia
2006 Photomatrix , Collegium Hungaricum, Wien, Austria
2005 Green wind – Selection of Video and Photo Works by Young Artists, Budapest Autumn Festival
2005 NE(a)T – women about women, Kogart House, Budapest
2005 Pictures, gypsies, gypsy-pictures, Millenáris, Budapest
2004 E-verywhere, open-air exhibition, Millenáris, Budapest
2004 Exhibition of the Poprad Summer Photoschool, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
2011 A Picture for Home, Schaden.com, Cologne, Germany
2011 Present Continuous, Hungarian House of Photography
2011 2011. Contenporary Hungarian Photographs – Selection from the artwork of the József Pécsi Art Photography Scholarship, (editor: Csizek Gabriella), Hungarian House of Photography, 2010. Budapest
2010 Descubrimientos 2010 PHotoEspana, La Fábrica Editorial, Madrid, 2010
2006 MOXVA SQUARE autumn, Prakter-Para Ltd. 2006. Budapest
2003 Spectacle boulevard - Budapest in the Millenium (with the text of Ottó Bence), Palatinus, 2003. Budapest
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662
E-mail: maimano@maimano.hu