George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
The Exhibition EXTENDED to
Ildi Hermann / Judit M. Horváth
NHL / Private Pictures
Curator: Gabriella Csizek artistic collaborator
Open to the public: May 11 – June 17, 2012
Every weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
Weekend: 11.00 - 19.00

Horváth M. Judit Private Pictures
I had started to take photos of myself a few years ago
when I was healthy.
Then one medical check-up revealed
that I had cancer.
I was operated on and then, for half a year,
I underwent chemotherapy treatment.
When I was physically unable to take photos,
my family photographed me,
just like I would have.
Our culture cannot cope with
neither death, nor dying,
and not even with the acceptance of any disease.
However, finding out that one has cancer
is not necessarily equal to a death sentence.
I took photographs of what my immediate surroundings meant to me:
my body, people, animals
that I love,
photos that I collect
And that one day I leave behind.
HMJ 2009-2012
Horváth M. Judit
1952, Sárvár
She was born into an assimilated Roma family in a Western Transdanubian town. After falling in love with his husband, she fell in love with his job as well. She did not accept her origin for a long time, just to become the editor-in-chief of a Roma magazine later for years. She, with her husband photographed practically all the gypsy settlements of the country and the ghettos of the capital.
She is a member of the Association of Hungarian Journalists, the Association of Photographical Artists, and a freelance photographer.
1969-81 worked as a nurse
1985 began photographing professionally, first as a freelance photographer for various magazines
1990-1995 photo-editor and photo-reporter at the roma magazin Amaro Drom, later editor-in-chief fro three years.
1994 press photo prize – Essay-prize
1998 together with her husband, György Stalter, they publish a photographic album about the life of gypsies in Hungary, titled Other World (Más Világ)
2002 they found Kópia Photogallery, where they hold individual and group exhibitions
2010 she published her own photoalbum Simulacrum
Individual Exhibitions
1999 Other World Mediawave, Győr
2000 Other World Vigadó Gallery, Budapest
2001 Other World Kaunas, Lithuania, Wien, Helsinki
2007 Other World Bielsko Biala, Poland
2009 Simulacrum Mai Manó Haus Budapest
2010 Other World/Simulacrum Bucharest
Group Exhibitions
1993 “The world is a ladder” Museum of Etnography, Budapest
1994 Press Photo Museum of Etnography, Budapest
1999 Sarah Mortland Gallery and the Hungarian Consulate, New York, USA.
2001 Regards Hongrois, Paris, France
2006 Selected Photos, Budapest Gallery
2006 Dog’s World Mai Manó Gallery, Budapest
2007 Other World San Sperate, Sardinia
2008 Watch us now! Wienna, Collegium Hungaricum
2008 Die Vergessenen Europaer, Cologne, City Museum
2010 + Műhely Budapest
2010 Forte exhibition Vác/ ArtBázis Budapest
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662