Csoszó Gabriella
1994: Graduated at the University of Sciences at Pécs
at the Faculty of Fine Arts as a teacher of arts
1994–1995: Postgraduate studies at the Master School of Fine Arts
1995: Auditor at the University of Applied Arts
Working as a freelance photographer
Organising several artistic programs (portfolio rewiev)
Giving course of lectures of art
Based the courses of Kontakt Photoart School
Teacher and organiser the digital photoschool for disabled children
Courses, seminars:
1998–2000: teacher of photography at school "Szellemkép"
2000–……: teacher,organiser and founder of courses of fine art photography
1994–1997: Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Culture "Pécsi József"
1995: "Haus am See” – scholarship of arts, Hannover
Association of Young Artists Photographers
Association of Young Artists of Fine Art
„Prefaces” – Gabriella Csoszó – Szilárd Podmaniczky 2002.
Solo exhibitions:
2003: „Prefaces”, Berlin, Galery Collegium Hungaricum, 2003. II. 20–III.24.
2002: „Prefaces”, Gabriella Csoszó – Szilárd Podmaniczky, Gallery Liget, Budapest, V. 9–V. 31.,
Gallery Közelítés, Pécs, X. 22–XI. 8.
2001: „You didn't need it, but we fell in love with it”, Shopwindow, Budapest, Hattyú str. 10/c., IV. 2–IV. 12.
2000: „The Game”, Small Gallery, Pécs, III. 10-IV.20.
1998: „The Garden”, South Wind, Pécs, IV.17.
1996: „MEDIAWAVE” – the windows of "Kenyér köz",Gyõr, IV.29–V.5.
„Gallery by Slide”, Gallery Liget, Budapest, IX.20.
1994: „Fictive report…”, Gallery Party – Garret, Pécs, X.
1993: „Solo exhibition”, House of Arts, Pécs, V. 6–20.
Group exhibitions:
2004: „Dokumentum 6. – Distance” International exhibition, IV. 23-V. 20.
„Coming of ages” International exhibition , Seattle, I. 8 II.15.
2002: „Memory book”, Gallery Libri, II. 24–…
2001: „Document 5.”, House of Hungarian Photographers, Budapest, III.5–IV. 16.
1998: „Kontakt”, Week of Photography: Association of Young Artists of Photography, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, III. 17–25.
„Group show of Photogallery Gromek”, Gallery V.M.K., Nyíregyháza, IX.24–X.4.
„Regard Hongrois” – The Haus of Photography in Paris, Palais Royal, Paris, IX. 12–XI. 9.<
„Collection of Association of Young Artists Photographers”, Bukarest, I. 12
1996–1997: „COLLECTIVE EYE”, European network of young photography
– Musée d'Élysée, Lausanne, Switzerland
– Technical Museum, Prague, Czech Republik
– Architectural Muséum, Ljuljana, Slovenia
– Mediawave, Gyõr, Hungary
– BPA Association of Bulgarian Artists of Photography, Sofia, Bulgaria<
„Balance concert”, Museum Kiscelli, Music: Zoltán Pintér, scene: Gabriella Csoszó, VI.4, 1998. X.20.
„Exhibition of the winners of scholarship”, "Pécsi József”, Gallery Dorottya, Budapest, IX.4–X.3.
1996: „Self portrait”, Photogallery Gromek, Budapest, XI.
1995: „Exhibition of the Association of Young Artists of Photography”, House of
Arts, Pécs, II.
„Fourth Eleven Festival”, scene-plan, Pécs, III.31.
„Closing exhibition of the year 1995”, Gallery of Pécs, Pécs, V.
„Exhibition of the Association of Young Artists of Photography”, Photogallery
Gromek, (Ship Gallery RAS), Gyõr, V.
„Selection…”, Photogallery Gromek, (Ship Gallery RAS), Gyõr, VII.
„Contemporary Hungarian Photography 1995”, exhibition of Association of Young Artists of Photography, Gallery of Pécs, Pécs, IX.
„Pupik”, "Haus am See” Gallerie, Hannover, IX.
1994: „Exhibition of the Association of the Young Artists of Photography”, House
of Arts, Pécs, I.
„Young photography after 1990”, Gallery of Miskolc, Miskolc VI.
1992: „Exhibition of the aspirants of the Master school of Fine Arts in Pécs",
House of Arts, Pécs, I.3–20.
„Exhibition for the 625th anniversary of the University of Pécs:
1367–1992”, collective exhibition of teachers of art and students, University of Sciences Janus Pannonius, Pécs, I.
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymező utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662
E-mail: maimano@maimano.hu