André Kertész Hall George Eastman Hall

upcoming exhibition
The Exhibition EXTENDED to 2nd October 2011
10 Years of the Budapest Photography Grant
Imre Benkő, Tamás Dezső, Balázs Gárdi, Norbert Hartyányi, Dániel Kovalovszky, Gábor Arion Kudász, Márk Simon, Gyula Sopronyi, György Stalter, Zoltán Vancsó
Curator: Sári Stenczer
Opening remarks by Enikő Eszenyi actress, Director of Vígszínház
Open to the public: 1st July to 2nd October 2011
on Weekdays: 14.00 - 19.00
at Weekends 11.00 - 19.00

Budapest is a loveable metropolis of many faces. On the one hand, it retains
its old character, its original urban texture; on the other hand, many of its
neighbourhoods have been renovated since the regime change. With the mighty
river Danube flowing through it, the city takes deep breaths with its abundant
green areas, while its downtown is a true urban space pulsating to the rhythm of
a beating heart.
The birth of photography coincides with the earliest stages of the
development of modern big cities, and thus closely relates to the quest for
individual and collective identity and its visual representation – by recording
scenes of life, lifestyles and living spaces, among others. Even if we may have
lost confidence in the images produced by it, photography is still the most
perfect device for describing the image, the diversity, the known and unknown
details of a city.
This summer the Hungarian House of Photography hosts an exhibition that
endeavours to represent a vision of Budapest through the eyes of ten prominent
photographers, former grantees of the Budapest Photography Grant. Our goal is to
picture the diversity of the capital’s population, its rich cultural and social
milieu through photography-based artworks, and present this panorama to the
public – locals and tourists alike.
In addition to photographs framed and hanging side by side in the traditional
manner, the space will be filled with a profusion of ideas, experiences and
highlights recorded in the individual styles of the ten exhibitors after the
turn of the millennium, showing what can most perfectly be shown in the language
of photography: the various layers, the simultaneous emotions and experiences
characterizing the capital of Hungary, the rhythm and aesthetic of its daily
life today, in the third millennium. Installations, projections, objects, sounds
and thoughts make this show complete, with the endeavour of being, above all,
The Budapest Photography Grant was established in 2000 by the Pro Cultura
Urbis Public Foundation, at the initiative of photographer Péter Korniss and
János Schiffer MP, and has been awarded to an excellent photographer each year
ever since. The grant provides monthly stipend for a year to help the grantee
complete a photo series on the capital of Hungary based on their submitted
thematic concept.
Former grantees and the titles of their series:
Imre Benkő: Budapest Blues (2000), Zoltán Vancsó: Budapest Street (2002), Balázs Gárdi: Concrete Jungle (2003), Tamás Dezső: 8th District (2004), Gábor Arion Kudász: Green Area (2005), György Stalter: City Within the City (2006), Márk Simon: Spa Town (2007), Dániel Kovalovszky: Memory Factory (2008), Gyula Sopronyi: Residential Parks (2010) Norbert Hartyányi: Margaret Island (2011)
Curator: Sári Stenczer
Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest-Terézváros, Nagymezõ utca 20.
Telephone: 473-2666
Fax: 473-2662